Philosophy as a Way of Life

Reading Hour from Pierre Hadot’s Book – Celebrating World Philosophy Day in collaboration with Bayt al-Hayah






Arts & Culture



About Event:

Reading Hour is an activity where we read a short text (taking no more than an hour) and then have a group discussion to explore the main ideas. This shared conversation rekindles our love for reading and encourages us to make it a habit.

📣 Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis until full capacity.

Celebration of World Philosophy Day November 21–22, 2024

Bayt al-Hayah in Alexandria invites you to celebrate World Philosophy Day at the Jesuit Cultural Center in Alexandria. Over two days, we’ll delve into the essence of philosophy through various activities, art pieces, and unique readings. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about Bayt al-Hayah and the Baladi Philosophy Platform and the content we provide.

About Bayt al-Hayah: Bayt al-Hayah is a classical school of philosophy. We aim to free philosophy from its academic and theoretical confines, bringing it back to its traditional space—the public arena—as a practical approach to daily life that encompasses all areas of human knowledge. Our focus on values like truth, beauty, and the common good speaks to the universal human experience.

Bayt al-Hayah welcomes people from all backgrounds, providing a space for philosophy that transcends social class, gender, color, and religion. It’s a place to learn through dialogue and shared work—a space to discover oneself and understand others. Inspired by the words of poet Amal Dunqul, “You only have to want… You are the only knight of this era.”

About the Baladi Philosophy Platform: Baladi Philosophy is an extension of Bayt al-Hayah, dedicated to “public philosophy”—philosophical practice in non-academic public spaces. We provide written, visual, and audio content designed to stimulate thought and develop critical thinking.



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About Arts & Culture:

6:00 pm


Human Enhancement

7:00 pm


Arts & Culture

7:00 pm


Arts & Culture

5:00 pm


Arts & Culture

7:00 pm


Literature & Cultural

7:00 pm


Human Enhancement