Jesuit Short- Films Production Grant 2024

Timeline for submission and acceptance of nominated projects:

– Opening of the submission for short film grant projects on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.

– The deadline for file submission is Monday, January 8, 2024, at 11:00 AM.

– Emails will be sent to nominated projects on the shortlist between Wednesday and Thursday, January 10-11, 2024.

– The schedule for personal interviews with projects on the final list is on Monday, January 15, 2024.

* Note: The specific time for the interviews will be specified in the acceptance emails on the shortlist.

Qualification criteria for acceptance:

– Documentary film projects are not accepted.

– Applicants for the grant must have previously directed at least one short narrative film.

– The grant application should include a comprehensive film script, which will be discussed by a committee representing the grant management at the Jesuit Cultural Center- Alexandria (JCC).

Required Data and Files:

Please attach a single PDF file containing the following items:

1- A brief summary not exceeding sixty words (Logline).

2- A short summary not exceeding one hundred and fifty words (Synopsis).

3- The script of the work in no more than nine pages (Script).

4- The director of the project is solely responsible for submitting the project to the selection committee, along with attaching their curriculum vitae (CV) (with an accessible link to the CV and previous works). * Note: It is not required for the director of the work to be the scriptwriter.

5- A list of names of the team members in each of the film industry branches, including cinematography, editing, and executive producer.

6- A detailed budget using the attached template, click here.

7- The planned production tools to be used.

8- Proposed cast members.

9- Timeframe plan for film execution.

10- Specify the number of shooting locations and provide them with accompanying photographs of the mentioned locations.

All required files should be sent to the following email address: (

Incomplete files that do not adhere to all the mentioned items will
not be considered.

Selection Process for Nominated Projects:

1- Submitted applications will be reviewed, and applications that do not meet the specified criteria above will be excluded.

2- A shortlist will be created for the submitted cinematic scripts nominated for the grant. Communication with the nominated works on the shortlist will be conducted via email: (

3- Interviews with the nominated projects team on the final list will including director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, and editor is fundamental.

Final List of Projects Nominated for the Grant:

– Following the interviews with the grant nominees: Accepted projects for the grant will be notified via email, along with the contract format for obtaining the production grant. The director of the project will sign this contract to ensure compliance with the grant terms before proceeding with the remaining production preparations.

The presence of project’s team director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, and editor is required in all preparatory work sessions before the execution of the work. This is to ensure compliance with any modifications that may arise in the content of the submitted cinematic script.

– Please consider gender balance among the team members applying for the grant.

If the nominated director of the project does not agree to sign and commit to the grant conditions outlined in the contract sent to them within three working days, the film project will be removed from the list of accepted projects.

هذه المنحة ممولة من الاتحاد الأوروبي بالتعاون مع اتحاد المعاهد الثقافية الأوروبية ومركز الجزويت الثقافي بالإسكندرية.

This grant is funded by the European Union in collaboration with EUNIC Egypt and Jesuit cultural Center- Alexandria.

